
Nature call

Nature has all possible treasures in her chest, which helps us to take care about our skin, hair and our body.

Couple of months ago my friend shared a recipe which I tried and by now I definitely want to share it with you guys.

Face mask for all skin types
3 table spoons of oatmeal
1 table spoon of camomile leaves
1 table spoon of mint leaves
2 drops of tea tree oil

How to use
 Mix all the ingredients with warm water, give it a stay for 5 minutes and put on your face, lay down and rest for 15 minutes, than gently remove with warm water.

This mask removes dead cells and reddening, helps to avoid wrinkles appearance and your skin has baby softness for couple of days after this mask. 

Personally I really enjoy that 15 minutes and mix it with some perfect relax music and awareness of myself.

Hope you’ll enjoy it too.


94 years old Legend in Yoga World

There are so many yoga styles in all over the world, how about a little review for some of them which I practice by myself?

I’ll start with first yoga class in my life - Iyengar yoga style - I’m still into it for more than 4 years by now.
So, who is he – Iyengar? Why his method is so popular all over the world?

Sri BKS Iyengar was born in 1918 in India, he was 11th child  in the family. Iyengar’s childhood is covered with all possible illnesses and diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria and etc., what shows us wick health and wick immunity.
At the age of 15, his brother-in-law Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya invited Iyengar to Mysore for health improving through yoga practice. Step by step Iyengar learned asana practice, what took a positive influence for his health stability.
Three years later Iyengar moved to Puna and started his own teaching practice, by mixing different methods he offers to his students a very interesting approach…

“Yoga is for everyone” – you can hear this in every yoga class, but in fact in dynamic classes you rarely will see somebody, who is retired or somebody, who has just recovered from the injury or other health issue. In Iyengar class you will practice yoga next to all possible types of students, because Iyengar method use a lot of props to help students to build a correct posture and you will hear a lot of details about every pose.
Usually Iyengar class starts with Sukhasana posture, where you are organizing yourself for a practice. After that you will be offered to make 10-15 postures (some of them couple of times with different environment) and to finish your class you will take some pranayama in Savasana.

Teacher of Iyengar yoga usually builds their lesson according to the month plan:
First week (1-7 days of every month) – Standing postures
Second week (8-14 days of every month) – Forward bends and twists
Third week (15-21 days of every month) – Surya Namaskara and backbends
Fourth week (22-28 days of every month) – Rehabilitation postures, pranayama
29-31 days of every month – program under teacher’s consideration