Extended Side Angle (Sanskrit Utthita Parsvakonasana)
Side Angle is one of my favorite postures in practice. Great heart opener and
really strong energy line are provided along with hips and hamstrings workout.
Start in
Tadasana (Mountain Pose), take a step back for approximately 1-1,5 meters, bend
your front knee for 90 degrees angle, be sure that your heel is right under
your knee, ground your back foot and keep it strong. Open your hips as for Warrior II and slowly start to move your upper body
forward and down until your front hand will reach the floor. Place your back
hand on the hip and use it as a lever to open and lift your chest. After that
extend your back arm up and then move it forward to create one strong energetic
line between your back heel and upper hand. Take your shoulders down to release
your neck, pay attention on the spine extending. The final step is to turn your
head slightly up and look on your triceps.
Try this
posture with back foot near the wall, by pushing your foot into the wall it’s
easier to keep your back leg extended and strong. If you have a problem with
chest opening, take your front hand higher (on a block for example, three
levels are available for students). If you have difficulties with your hand on
the highest level of block, place your elbow on your front tigh.
hamstrings and calves
Deep hips
workout and weight loss
of your movement
Helps to
fight with arthritis
Helps with
period misbalance
Discomfort with internals
Knee injury
Neck injury (don’t turn your head up)