
Open you heart for a new day

Summer days are perfect addition for some great heart openers.
My choice for now and ever - Upward Facing Dog.
Strong and intelligent posture, in my experience - everybody likes it.

But still, there are some underwater stones while building.

Upward Facing Dog (sanskrit Urdva Mukha Svanasana)

Lay down on your mat, keep your big toes together. Keep your palms aligned with your chest. Lift your chest slightly off the mat, 90 degrees in your elbows (Baby cobra position).
Push through your palms and tops of your feet, lift whole body off the floor.
Only palms and top of the feet are on the floor. Move shoulders back and down, move tailbone down.
Try to avoid lower back compression. Engage your abdominal area.
Strong legs, keep knee cups lifted.
Open your chest by engaging upper part of your back.
Move your chin and your gaze slightly up.

You can fing perfect transition for Upward Dog in Sun Salutation (sanskrit Surya Namaskara).
Plank Pose - Chaturanga Dandasana - Upward Facing Dog - Downward Facing Dog

Use a block between your thighs to keep your legs strong and engaged.
If this posture costs you some pain in your feet, take a blanket under it.
This posture is an advanced back bend, so please be carefull with yourlowerback, if you feel pain stick with baby-cobra position.

Strengthens the spine
Chest stretching and opener for heart chakra
Sciatica relieve
Helps to fight with depression
Helps to fight with overweight

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Lower back injury
Pregnancy (Careful during the period)
Strong headache


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