
Building our triceps

Hold and breath.. Inhale-Exhale one, Inhale-Exhale two, Inhale-Exhale three... hold and breath

Amazing word in every yoga class - Chaturanga. Word full of power and awareness, strong and beautiful.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose (sanskrit Chaturanga Dandasana)

Key pose for everyday practice in any kind of hatha yoga class.
An exceptional key to reach a plenty of postures, which used to be someday-to-do-pose - handstands, forearmstands, arm balances... and many many other interesting and beautiful things to do.

Even when you're just able to hold this bastard for a 15 seconds - such a challenge...

How to build the correct posture? That's a good one. In my personal practice and teaching practice the first step is just be able to hold it for 10 seconds. And only after you can start to build the correct line in it.

Start in the Plank pose. Your palms are under your shoulders, keep you back strong and confident. Tag you tailbone toward your heels.  Press your thighs up, knee-cups are lifted.
On your exhalation start to lower your torso until your elbows will be under 90 degrees angle, keep your body parallel to the floor. Don't let your ass to go up and stress lower-back.
Forehead is parallel to the floor. Hold it for 10-30 seconds and rise up to Upward facing Dog (or fall as one line down to the floor and complete the sequince with baby-cobra pose).

What can help you on the first baby-steps.
Take a strap, place it a little bit upper that your elbows and start to bend your elbows backwards  until your chest will be placed on the strap (you're holding the strap and strap is holding you - perfect match for a perfect balance).

Also you can left your knees on the floor (girls push-up position).
Or you even can use a block near your clavicles as a holder.

Workout for abdominal area
Triceps workout
Upper body tone and muscle strenght

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Careful with a period

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