
How to spend your weekend?/ Как провести ваши выходные?

Weekend of Healthy Life in Kaluga region, Russia
Выходные здоровой жизни в Калужской области, Россия

Garudasana/Eagle pose
Гарудасана/Поза орла

Parivrita Utkatasana/Twist chair pose
Париврита Уткатасана/Скручивание в позе стула

Parivrita Alanasa/Twist in low lounge pose
Париврита Аланасана/Скручивание в низком выпаде

Meditation inside Universe Mind/Медитация внутри Вселенского разума


When we are getting wings

A while ago I tried an exceptional yoga style. Antigravity yoga, yoga in the air. Well, what can I say…

This one is something, what every yogi should try at least once (but I bet you’ll come back for more and more).

The idea of Air Yoga is pretty simple, you are having a hammock, where you can practice different postures and do some good stretches, check the world upside down and find one of the best Shavasanas in your yogi’s life.

Personally I came back to that class, because Shavasana feels really good in that bag, hanging out in the air and because I really enjoyed my wide-legged split in the air (never did it so easily on the ground).

Christopher Harrison is Father of antigravity in yoga. He invented this special type of hammock for people to find their way to meditate and stretch after a long distance flights, stresses and all the over possible matters.

Air yoga is unique upgrade of what we have at this moment. It has a special anatomical focus – while you’re in the air , your body has less weight (same as in the water) and your body is able to get deeper in your practice.

Of course, this style has some contraindications, such as pregnancy, heart disease, eyes disease and of course careful with your period. Although as Mr. Harrison recommend it’s better to consult your doctor before starting.

According to what I saw in couple of classes of Antigravity Yoga, you will be more successful and safe if you practice yoga for a while, you have to know how to engage your bandhas (all of them) just for Mountain pose (Sanskrit Tadasana) in the hammock.

Usually class starts with a warm up, some breath exercises and stretching on the ground. After that you’re having some time in the hammock as in cocoon for feeling yourself in the air. Than teacher is guiding you through some stretches in the air, some postures in the air, inversions in the air and, here we are, Shavasana.

Shavasana in Antigravity yoga is really special for me. You’re starting it in the cocoon, relaxing and observing your body, after a while you slowly move your body on the ground for a full and completely Shavasana. Just like a piece of heaven in your mind…

After Air Yoga class you can’t walk normally, because you’re always trying to keep yourself in the air and you’re literally flying and smiling=)


To spend your life upside down

Close your eyes and imagine that you're looking on this world upside down.
The sky is under your feet, the Earth is a base for your head/hand... Sounds amazing and it is amazing.

How about to start doing that inversion every day in every possible place?

Shoulder stand (sanskrit Salamba Sarvangasana)

First inversion, which you can try in your yoga class. 
It looks like an easy one, but in fact this one is not that simple.

Lay down on your mat, prepare your shoulders and open your chest. Bring knees to the chest and slowly start rolling your feet backward.
Place your palms on your back as close to your lower floating ribs as possible as you can, keep your elbows in one line with your shoulders. 
Slowly start to lift your body up until you'll feel that you're standing exactly on your shoulders (NOT shoulder disks) and than final step straighten your legs up to the sky, lift kneecups and find yourself standing in a Mother of all asanas - Salamba Sarvangasana. Stay there for 3-5 minutes or until you will feel discomfort. Slowly give yourself a way back and rest for a few breaths.
Inversions are the only type of postures where your teacher has no right to tell you to stand until he/she will tell you to get out of it, cause you have to feel it by your heart and, actually by your head and blood pressure. 

Use a stripe to keep your elbows in line
Take a couple of blankets under your shoulders to line up your neck and protect it
Use a wall to keep your balance (place your toes on it)

Stimulates your spine to stay strong and confident
Stimulates lymphatic system
Stimulates digestion
Calms mind
Stretches neck and shoulders
Reduce insomnia

Pregnancy (if never practiced before)
High blood pressure
Neck injury
Shoulder injury


Building our triceps

Hold and breath.. Inhale-Exhale one, Inhale-Exhale two, Inhale-Exhale three... hold and breath

Amazing word in every yoga class - Chaturanga. Word full of power and awareness, strong and beautiful.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose (sanskrit Chaturanga Dandasana)

Key pose for everyday practice in any kind of hatha yoga class.
An exceptional key to reach a plenty of postures, which used to be someday-to-do-pose - handstands, forearmstands, arm balances... and many many other interesting and beautiful things to do.

Even when you're just able to hold this bastard for a 15 seconds - such a challenge...

How to build the correct posture? That's a good one. In my personal practice and teaching practice the first step is just be able to hold it for 10 seconds. And only after you can start to build the correct line in it.

Start in the Plank pose. Your palms are under your shoulders, keep you back strong and confident. Tag you tailbone toward your heels.  Press your thighs up, knee-cups are lifted.
On your exhalation start to lower your torso until your elbows will be under 90 degrees angle, keep your body parallel to the floor. Don't let your ass to go up and stress lower-back.
Forehead is parallel to the floor. Hold it for 10-30 seconds and rise up to Upward facing Dog (or fall as one line down to the floor and complete the sequince with baby-cobra pose).

What can help you on the first baby-steps.
Take a strap, place it a little bit upper that your elbows and start to bend your elbows backwards  until your chest will be placed on the strap (you're holding the strap and strap is holding you - perfect match for a perfect balance).

Also you can left your knees on the floor (girls push-up position).
Or you even can use a block near your clavicles as a holder.

Workout for abdominal area
Triceps workout
Upper body tone and muscle strenght

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Careful with a period


Open you heart for a new day

Summer days are perfect addition for some great heart openers.
My choice for now and ever - Upward Facing Dog.
Strong and intelligent posture, in my experience - everybody likes it.

But still, there are some underwater stones while building.

Upward Facing Dog (sanskrit Urdva Mukha Svanasana)

Lay down on your mat, keep your big toes together. Keep your palms aligned with your chest. Lift your chest slightly off the mat, 90 degrees in your elbows (Baby cobra position).
Push through your palms and tops of your feet, lift whole body off the floor.
Only palms and top of the feet are on the floor. Move shoulders back and down, move tailbone down.
Try to avoid lower back compression. Engage your abdominal area.
Strong legs, keep knee cups lifted.
Open your chest by engaging upper part of your back.
Move your chin and your gaze slightly up.

You can fing perfect transition for Upward Dog in Sun Salutation (sanskrit Surya Namaskara).
Plank Pose - Chaturanga Dandasana - Upward Facing Dog - Downward Facing Dog

Use a block between your thighs to keep your legs strong and engaged.
If this posture costs you some pain in your feet, take a blanket under it.
This posture is an advanced back bend, so please be carefull with yourlowerback, if you feel pain stick with baby-cobra position.

Strengthens the spine
Chest stretching and opener for heart chakra
Sciatica relieve
Helps to fight with depression
Helps to fight with overweight

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Lower back injury
Pregnancy (Careful during the period)
Strong headache



Yoga everywhere... everywhere you look around

Yoga is everywhere, everywhere you look around
Yoga in the airport, yoga in the hotel, yoga on the streets… you can practice yoga everywhere.
During my vacation in Europe I practiced yoga not everyday, but I tried to practice as much as I could.
So, here are some photos from my personal practice.
Hope they will inspire you to practice and practice a lot=)

And some throwback to my first headstand in Spain, year 2010.

Enjoy your practice and share it with everybody around you=)


How about a little challenge?

Extended Side Angle (Sanskrit Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Extended Side Angle is one of my favorite postures in practice. Great heart opener and really strong energy line are provided along with hips and hamstrings workout.

Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), take a step back for approximately 1-1,5 meters, bend your front knee for 90 degrees angle, be sure that your heel is right under your knee, ground your back foot and keep it strong. Open your hips as for Warrior  II and slowly start to move your upper body forward and down until your front hand will reach the floor. Place your back hand on the hip and use it as a lever to open and lift your chest. After that extend your back arm up and then move it forward to create one strong energetic line between your back heel and upper hand. Take your shoulders down to release your neck, pay attention on the spine extending. The final step is to turn your head slightly up and look on your triceps.

Try this posture with back foot near the wall, by pushing your foot into the wall it’s easier to keep your back leg extended and strong. If you have a problem with chest opening, take your front hand higher (on a block for example, three levels are available for students). If you have difficulties with your hand on the highest level of block, place your elbow on your front tigh.

Strengthen hamstrings and calves
Chest opener
Deep hips opener
Waist workout and weight loss
Coordination of your movement
Helps to fight with arthritis
Helps with period misbalance

Discomfort with internals
Knee injury
Neck injury (don’t turn your head up)