
Cold Cold Cold... Hot Yoga

Winter is here… Which involved huge risk to catch a cold or even a flu.
Here are some postures which will help to improve your immunity.

1. Downward Facing Dog (Sanskrit Adho Mukha Svanasana)
While you are doing you usual Downward Facing Dog take a block under your forehead, which will help you to relax the pressure in your head which is usual during the cold.

2. Child Pose (Sanskrit Balasana)
If your forehead is not comfortably reaching the mat place a bolster or blanket  under it and relax. This posture will help to release your nose and deepen your breathe.

3. Full Forward Bend (Sanskrit Uttanasana)
Stand in Mountain Pose and on your exhale dive down to your full forward bend, take a block under your head and relax.
This posture has the same advantage as Down Dog during the cold, helps to relax blood pressure and clean your breath.

4. Bound Angle Pose (Sanskrit Supta Baddha Konasana)
Very important to practice this pose in laying down position. This posture perfect to relax nervous system and lymphatic system and keep concentration on your wellness and health.

Tip from me: during risky period of season eat half of pomegranate everyday.

P.S. Merry Christmas everyone, be healthy=)

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